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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to some of the most common questions asked regarding the therapy I offer.  If the answer to your question is not listed, please do not hesistate to contact me.

What is counselling/talking therapy?

Counselling sessions offer a safe, empathetic and non-judgemental space in which to gain insights into and process issues which may be holding you back from being your truest self.  The work is often challenging; but as your counsellor I will be there to listen, reflect and hold the space.


Counselling is not the same as, for example, talking to a friend or family member.  The therapeutic relationship is professional, confidential and boundaried, and I am not there to give my opinion or advice, but rather to facilitate you finding your own answers.


I am bound by the ethical codes of both the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) and the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); and undertake regular supervision to ensure effective pracitice.


What style of counselling do you offer?

My method is a holistic and pluralistic approach, which takes elements from the three main counselling modalities (CBT, Person-Centred and Psychodynamic), to tailor sessions to each client's unique needs and wishes.  I also have a special interest and have undertaken training in creative counselling, psychosexual therapy and working with trauma.

Is counselling the right choice for me?

Counselling is unable to help directly with problems outside of its scope.  So, for example, if you have a medical, legal, or financial issue, you would need to seek help from an appropriate professional in the field.  However, counselling sessions may still be useful in supporting the emotional side of these issues: for example a difficult health diagnosis, or having to deal with a redundancy.

How long does counselling take?

Counselling sessions are fifty minutes in length, once per week.  Counselling can be short or long-term, but a mimimum of six sessions (1.5 months) to a maximum of two years is a general guide. 

Are there any restrictions on who you can take on as a client?

I am only able to work with individuals who are at least eighteen years of age (so no children or couples).

Where are you based?

I currently reside in Helsinki; and work with clients remotely via Zoom, both in Finland and the UK.  Although online therapy suits many clients in terms of both convenience and comfort,  I am also in the process of setting up a suitable physical space for face-to-face sessions with local clients who would prefer this.

Do you offer concession prices or a kela discount?

As I have a UK qualification in counselling (and not psychotherapy), I am unable to register with Valvira in Finland and so cannot offer a Kela discount.  However, I do offer a concessionary rate for students, pensioners or those on low income/benefits: Please see my Services page for more information.

Do you offer sessions in any other languages?

Currently sessions are offered in English, although I am slowly learning to speak Finnish!

I'm interested. What next?

Fantastic!  The next step would be to contact me; and I will send you an initial form to fill out.  We would then schedule a free, thirty-minute, session to see if therapy with me is the right fit for you.

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